Out Of Character
First off, after the Microscope session we had to build the world, I knew going in that the first session would be very interesting and I was looking forward to see how Lowell would deal with it. What his approach would be and such, he, as usual, did not disappoint. It was one of the most intense campaign openers I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. Characters were making life and death decisions from the opening scene and throughout the evening as the game rolled on and not just for themselves but for often times large groups of people that would become supporting cast for the game to come.
The Cast
- This will mark the first time either Ward or my sister Jeanne has joined a long-term game run by Lowell. Something I’ve been trying to arrange for sometime now for each of them.
- The cast of PCs’ looks great. Scott has chosen an unarmed fighter for the most part aside from some fire Magic. Ward has chosen to challenge himself by running an Ork. Jeanne is finally getting the chance to breath life into the Namir a race she wrote up sometime ago and never had the opportunity to play out. Sherri is venturing out of her comfort zone and playing a Goblin female whom is getting on in her years.
- My character, Whet Bloodlace an empathic pistoleer. I think he is an obvious front runner as leader for the group. Though that was not my intent going in, I’d like to see him pull in a tight 2nd to the leader.
- Lowell is running the game, I don’t mean this as lip service to my GM, he has a real gift for the role. He preps for games like no one I’ve ever played with. He takes his craft very seriously and I know he runs games at various gaming cons from time to time. If you enjoy playing in rpg’s or you are a GM for a group or two. You owe it to yourself to try and play in one of his games. It will change the way you run games forever.
Character Abilities
Blazing Branch Start
Combat Reflexes : Whet goes first in a standard combat round, except when surprised. This ability does not affect one-on-one duels.Vigilant Branch Start
Pistoleer : Whet does +1d damage with pistols. Rapid Volley: By spending a point of Focus, Whet may fire two pistols on the same round at two different targets in any arc. Damage is 1 +5d. This requires having a pistol in each hand.Vigilant Branch 1
Precognitive Parry: Whet’s uncanny perception allows him a Parry redraw against any opponent with a mind and emotions. This does not work against automatons, vehicles or the like. This is considered an abilitiy for the redraw limits.Vigilant Branch 1
Mounted Combatant: Whet gains the ability Mounted Dodge- affecting himself and his mount. As well, his Mount’s # to be damaged increases by +1 while Whet rides.